Case 2

This case was taken from the CSI TV show, aired by CBS on season 5, episode 11, "Who shot Sherlock".

First, look at the initial observations by the CSI detectives and complete the graphic organizer in the printed material.

Now, in clip number 2, observe what happens next and do the activities in the material.

Now you will watch clip number 3.   Complete the activities in the material. 

Now you will watch clip number 4.  Complete the activities in the material.

Now you will watch clip number 5.  Complete the activities in the material.

Now you will watch clip number 6.  Complete the activities in the material.

This final clip reveals the solution to this case, and the answer to the question "Who shot Sherlock"?

This material is used for pedagogic purposes only.  No profit is to be made from the use of it.

Catalani, R.(Writer), Rambo, D. (Writer) and Fink, K. (Director). (2005). Who shot Sherlock? [Television Broadcast, Season 5, episode 11] In Fink, K. (Producer), CSI. California: CBS.